Bunwell Parish Council

01603 871636

Bunwell Village Hall

Bunwell Village Sign

Bunwell Village Hall
Welcome to Bunwell Parish Council
Welcome. This site has been created by the Parish Council to allow us to better connect with the people living and working in our village. You can read more about what the council does here and you can contact the Parish Clerk to pass on any comments you may have.
Bunwell Parish Council is the first tier of local government in the village. Most local public services are provided by South Norfolk District or Norfolk County Council, but the Parish Council is the closest to the people it represents.
This website is mainly about the work of the Parish Council, providing residents and others a window into its workings and providing a place for interested parties to look at the various documents and records we keep.
News items or information sent to the Parish Council can be found on the next page. Go to the Parish Council News page to find the latest items of interest.
The National Grid proposed Norwich to Tilbury Pylon Project
Many residents have voiced their concerns, not only for the main line of pylons crossing this area but because there is a proposal for a lorry park and the ancillary roadways to be sited on land off Low Common. The landowners affected have had meetings with Fisher German, the National Grid surveyors, and the effects on the local area will be devastating, resulting in loss of woodland and grazing land and a huge increase in the volume of heavy vehicles on local roads. The Parish Council have set up a Pylon Working Party to collate all the objections from residents and present a report to the Parish Council for them to add to the consultation which is now open. The understanding of most residents and councillors is that an integrated offshore grid in the North Sea would save £2bn overall, reduce infrastructure offshore and onshore by 50%, and would mean that a line of pylons is not needed. Residents are encouraged to register their comments or objections on the website. The consultation is running between 12:00 noon on 10 April 2024 and 11.59pm on Friday 26th July 2024. Responses to the consultation can be submitted as follows:
·online via the Project’s website (http://www.nationalgrid.com/n-t)
· scanning a paper copy of the Feedback questionnaire or submitting a free text letter or email
· by post at Freepost N TO T
· by email (contact@n-t.nationalgrid.com).
The Pylon Working Party has compiled an excellent, very comprehensive report for Councillors to consider. This report is available in full by clicking on this link below and is appended to the minutes of the meeting held on the 5th June, 2024. In summary the Report recommended that as there are viable alternatives to the proposed new Pylon Route, the Parish Council are wholeheartedly opposed to the proposal. Working Party Report
Since the General Election and the change in Government, local Councils and residents are waiting for a decision as to the future of this proposal.
Bunwell Surface Water and Sewerage Working Party - Following recent meetings where residents have expressed concerns about localised flooding and sewerage problems, the Parish Council have set up a Working Party. The Terms of Reference confirm its structure, purpose, responsibilities, operation and reporting requirements. The Working Party will report to the Parish Council on a regular basis but the Parish Council will deal with all external enquiries including at Parish Council Meetings.
The ToR can be found by following the link below and any interested applicants should contact the Parish Council Clerk, email: bunwell-pc@live.com. Interested applicants will be required to advise their home address, contact details, reasons why they wish to join, whether they’ve been affected by sewer or surface water flooding and how they feel they can contribute to such a group.
NCC Highways Drainage Work in Bunwell Street
Norfolk County Council Highways have encountered some issues whilst progressing the drainage scheme in Bunwell. After reviewing the programme with the contractor, they estimate an additional 10 weeks will be needed to complete the works, weather permitting and assuming no further unknown utility clashes. This extension is necessary due to unforeseen utilities, and the requirement for additional trial holes during the ongoing scheme. Residents and businesses will be informed through a Public Information Notice shortly. The County Council appreciates everyone’s patience as we carry out these drainage improvement works and apologise for the delay.
Modification Order to add the lane between Greenways and Barhams Lane to the Definitive Map.
The Parish Council is keen to ensure that the above footpath is added to the Definitive Map. In order to this, we have to collect at least 12 completed forms of evidence showing that this path has been used for the last 20 years. If you think you can help, please download and fill in the form from the link below, together with a map showing the location, or contact the Clerk for more help.
The Parish Council is responsible for:
the playing field
the play area
commenting on planning applications
the village notice boards
general maintenance around the village